Android Publishing

1 – Getting started with Android

These tutorials will walk through the process of publishing to your Android phone using your Mac computer.  At this time, Android publishing is only available to GameSalad Pro developers.  This is an extremely complicated process, so please be careful to follow the directions as precisely as possible. Installing the Java SE Developer Kit Head over...

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2 – Creating a Keystore

The Keystore is used in Android development to maintain keys needed to sign your application prior to distribution. To create a Keystore: Open Terminal. Copy paste this command into Terminal to generate a private key: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 You will want to replace “my-release-key” with...

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3 – Publishing to Android

For developers new to GameSalad Creator, publishing refers to the act of taking your project file and turning it into an .app (Mac Desktop, iPhone, or iPad game), a signed and unsigned .apk (Android publishing, which is a feature available to PRO users), or a GameSalad Arcade/HTML5 game that is playable at For iOS...

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Terminal Signing (Optional)

These steps are for how to sign your apk via the command line using apksigner. You will need to have already created a keystore and have the Android signing tools downloaded. These steps will also assume that you followed the rest of the tutorial steps linked above. First you will need to publish your game...

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Expansion Files

OVERVIEW When publishing to Android, there is a limit to the size of the .apk that the Google Play Store will accept: 100MB. However, some apps may need more space depending on its content: graphics, media files or other large assets. In order to cater to such applications Google provides the flexibility of adding Expansion...

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Android App Bundle (AAB) Terminal Signing

These steps are for how to sign your AAB file via Terminal using jarsigner. You will need to have already created a keystore and have the Java SE Development Kit. These steps will also assume that you followed the rest of the tutorial steps linked above. First you will need to publish your game to your GameSalad portfolio and generate...

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