1 – Running the Android Viewer

Follow the Android Publishing Cookbook to install the necessary tools to proceed.

First you need to specify where the Android Debug Bridge is installed  

If your device is not a Google device you will need to find and install the appropriate USB drivers. Use this link to find what driver your specific device requires: http://developer.android.com/tools/extras/oem-usb.html

  1. Launch GameSalad Creator.
  2. Go to the File menu, Preferences; Browse to the ‘sdk/platform-tools‘ folder; click on the ‘adb‘ binary, and then click ‘Open‘.

Now, you can view your project on your Android Device via USB (recommended) or Wi-Fi.

Via USB (Recommended):

  1. Plug in your Android device
  2. Make sure the device is set to charge only, and does not mount the SD card.
  3. Start GameSalad Viewer on your Android device
  4. Wait until GameSalad Android Viewer says “Listening on USB” in the bottom left corner with a green USB icon
  5. In GameSalad Creator, right-click on the Android icon above the stage and select your device from the list

Via Wi-Fi:

  1. Ensure that your Android device and system are on the same wireless network
  2. Start GameSalad Viewer on your Android device
  3. Wait until GameSalad Android Viewer says “Connected to Wi-Fi” in the bottom left corner with a green Dot icon
  4. In GameSalad Creator, right-click on the Android icon above the stage and select your device from the list.

In a few seconds, you should be able to test your game on your device. This method allows for quick iterations of your game and trying out changes prior to publishing.